
Texts Show Cassidy Hutchinson Went Around Her Own Lawyer To Help Liz Cheney

Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images

Henry Rodgers Chief National Correspondent

The Jan. 6 Committee’s key witness, Cassidy Hutchinson, went behind her own lawyer’s back to help former Republican Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney with her investigation into the Capitol riot, according to messages obtained by the Daily Caller.

The messages were sent from Hutchinson to Alyssa Farah Griffin, a former Pentagon press secretary during the Trump administration. In the messages, Hutchinson asks if the committee is going to make her testify live, and asks Farah to relay the plans of her attorney, Stefan Passantino, to Cheney and the Jan. 6 Committee.

Passantino told the Caller he had no suspicions about such activity at the time and confirmed that he had never seen these specific messages between Hutchinson and Farah.

“This is the first I am seeing of some of these texts, but everything here is consistent with what I have been saying publicly and alleging in the various lawsuits I have filed over the past 18 months. I am surprised and pleased to see the facts coming to light,” Passantino told the Caller.


Hutchinson began the conversation by asking about a previous discussion the two apparently had, and if Farah had “touched base” with anyone about it.

“Hey! Yes. So I reached out to Liz. She agreed to keep our convo totally confidential. She said she admires you, and could tell that you wanted to the right thing from your testimony. Her one concern was so long ad you have counsel, she can’t really ethically talk to you without him. But what she suggests is a follow up with you, with your lawyer thats he and Dan George can lead. Probably can do without other members and Tim Does that help at all? I can tell she really wants to work with you and is just tryin to figure out the right way to do it,” Farah responded.

“I mean, do you think this is actually of interest to her at this point or is it moot Like have they moved beyond it,” Hutchinson replied.

“Oh it’s very much of interest. She basically just wants to structure it in a way you are comfortable and wants to make sure it’s clear, if you speak to them again, it’s them asking, not you, so you don’t get in trouble with trump world,” Farah said.


Hutchinson then described having trouble getting in touch with her attorney, before they discuss the prospect of leaking information to a reporter.

“My patience is razor thin,” Hutchinson said.

“Do you think your lawyer would drop you? I feel like you could represent yourself,” Farah asked.

“I never signed anything I asked several and he said it wasn’t necessary,that they had it taken care of So from a legal pov I’m not sure? But I’d assume??” Hutchinson responded.


“I just looked. I texted him Sunday morning to talk, he said he’d call that afternoon or Monday morning. That’s the last I heard from him despite following up every day since,” Hutchinson continued. “Am I overthinking this??”

“I’m sorry I’m not trying to be a nuisance,” she added.

Farah said she wanted Hutchinson to “be free” of the situation and proposed that she could potentially get immunity before sharing information with Cheney and the committee.

“Btw, another could sit down and share it with the committee but then have the committee shares the big stuff you give them with press before your transcripts come out so it looks like it came from someone else,” she added.

Hutchinson then asked if she may be asked to testify live.



“She was very clear they’d want to talk to you behind closed doors at least one more time before they’d put you up publicly,” Farah replied.

Hutchinson then asked if the committee would ask her to come back for more questioning, and claimed that Passantino would tell her to “go F myself” if she volunteered to do so.

“Ok that’s a good question. She was thinking she’d just ask you back for additional questions. But you probably don’t want them to go through Stefan? She is open to doing this anyway that’s like ethical/ legal,” Farah responded.

Farah went on to propose that her own lawyer may be willing to take on Hutchinson’s representation pro bono.



Days later, Hutchinson asked Farah to call her “asap” after she spoke to Passantino.

“dg called him Friday and asked about me coming in. Stephan gave me the weekend ‘to think on it’ He just said we will comply but he’s going to push back,” Hutchinson told Farah. “dg” seemingly refers to Dan George, a lawyer for the committee.

“Hmm ok. That was definitely at Liz’s direction. How do you feel about just doing it with Stefan but answering more questions? You can handle yourself and he’s just there as a figurehead,” Farah responded.

“And basically give ultimatum of a) we’ll come back but we need assurance she won’t be called in live (which I don’t think they’ll give) OR b) if you won’t give us an assurance, re-issue a subpoena,” Hutchinson said.

“He’s not against me complying. He’s actually sort of willing to do it be he thinks it builds my credibility as a witness. But he wants just enough from the committee to balance out the public backlash from the lawsuit and to frame me as super compliant/respectful of congressional subpoenas,” she continued.

“He’s going to call dan George this afternoon. Can you tip off Liz or Dan? And see their thoughts?,” Hutchinson asked Farah.


“I’m personally fine w just Liz and dan but I have a feeling he’ll want it structurally the same as my other Depos. But I haven’t gotten that far w him,” Hutchinson said.

“Does that make sense,” she asked.

“Yeah that all makes sense. I actually agree with Stefan’s approach and think it’s accomplished everyone’s goals. I am happy to tip liz off. And for what it’s worth I don’t think you are close to front in line to testify live But it might be worth asking for the commitment,” Farah responded.

“My guess is Stefan cares about protecting trump. You’re issues were more with meadows and folks around him. And you were simply being honest,” she added.

“Exactly. He doesn’t want me to stonewall the committee now, over this. I think he wants to balance the perception in Trump world if I just go back voluntarily vs. under subpoena,” Hutchinson said.

“But he’s probably going to be a bit less friendly to DG when he talks to him. He prob won’t outright tell him to re-subpoena me, so it may be helpful for DG to throw in (if they’d do that) ‘well if you don’t voluntarily come in, we’re likely reissue a subpoena’,” she added.


Hutchinson said their agreed-upon approach could help to “reconfigure” her “reputation” in the press. She then asked Farah to pass information to Cheney that her and her former lawyer do not plan to fight a subpoena, but that Passantino wants the committee to think they will.

“He talked to DG. Convo was consistent w/ what we discussed. SP told him we’ll need a subpoena to comply, but will ‘need to decide whether we’re going to fight it.’ (We’re def not going to fight it, but he wants the committee to think we will). Ir case you want to pass to LC or DG,” Hutchinson said.

Weeks later, Hutchinson texted Farah she felt like she could “drink myself into a coma.”

“Like I could drink myself into a coma,” Hutchinson responded. Farah said she thought the committee would make her testify live.

“Really?,” Hutchinson asked.


Hutchinson made  headlines after testifying before the Jan. 6 committee. She claimed former President Donald Trump lunged for the steering wheel to reroute his car to the Capitol where protesters were gathering on Jan. 6. Sources close to the Secret Service have denied her claims.

Hutchinson called the Jan. 6 committee “bs” in a text message obtained exclusively by the Caller and also begged former senior Trump officials for financial assistance and legal help in February 2022 after she was subpoenaed by the committee.

Hutchinson did not respond to a request for comment.

Editor’s Note: This article was updated to reflect that the Daily Caller did not exclusively obtain the text messages in question.

Tags : alyssa farah griffin cassidy hutchinson donald trump january 6 january 6 committee liz cheney
Henry Rodgers

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