
Elon Musk Has a New Excuse for Not Making It to Mars

Lucas Ropek
~3 minutes

Elon Musk has said a lot of stupid stuff over the years. One of the stupider things he’s said is that—at some point in the next few years—he is going to help humanity colonize Mars . Besides the fact that colonizing Mars is an unessential and arguably pointless endeavor, we know that successfully terraforming and populating the red planet is not going to happen anytime soon because of the obvious financial and logistical hurdles that it would entail.

Musk, a studied peddler of vaporware, is used to spouting off bullshit that uninformed stans think sounds cool, only to then never accomplish the feat he claimed he would accomplish. On the issue of Mars colonization, Musk himself has admitted that he wouldn’t want to do it because he doesn’t want to die .

Now, Musk has a new excuse for not going to Mars: presidential nominee Kamala Harris. Musk, who has notably been working overtime to get former President Donald Trump re-elected, said Wednesday that if Trump fails to win the White House, you can kiss Mars goodbye. “Trump supports a government efficiency commission to allow great things to be done, Kamala does not,” Musk said on X on Wednesday , adding, “We will never reach Mars if Kamala wins.”

I’m going to chalk this up to sour grapes over Tuesday’s presidential debate. MAGA folks have been taking the debate results rather hard. Harris kicked Trump’s ass yesterday. While Harris was quick and sharp, Trump rambled, lied, and said weird, wild stuff like, “They’re eating the dogs, they’re eating the cats!”, in reference to the viral rightwing fake news about immigrants consuming pets in an Ohio suburb.

To make matters worse for Trump, Taylor Swift took yesterday’s debate as an opportunity to endorse Harris : “Like many of you, I watched the debate tonight. If you haven’t already, now is a great time to do your research on the issues at hand and the stances these candidates take on the topics that matter to you the most,” Swift wrote on Instagram. “As a voter, I make sure to watch and read everything I can about their proposed policies and plans for this country.” Notably, she did not use Elon Musk’s X to make her announcement.

Musk lashed out at Swift, implying in a subsequent tweet that he would impregnate her —something he’s done to a lot of women but will never, ever, ever do with the world’s most popular pop singer.