
Beneath the brushstrokes, van Gogh's sky is alive with real-world physics

by American Institute of Physics
5–6 minutes
The authors measured the relative scale and spacing of the whirling brush strokes in van Gogh's "The Starry Night," along with variances in luminance of the paint, to see if the laws that apply in the physics of real skies apply in the artist's depiction. The results suggest van Gogh had an innate understanding of atmospheric dynamics. He captured multiple dimensions of atmospheric physics with surprising accuracy. Credit: Yinxiang Ma

Vincent van Gogh's painting "The Starry Night" depicts a swirling blue sky with yellow moon and stars. The sky is an explosion of colors and shapes, each star encapsulated in ripples of yellow, gleaming with light like reflections on water.

Van Gogh's brushstrokes create an illusion of sky movement so convincing it led to wonder how closely it aligns with the physics of real skies. While the atmospheric motion in the painting cannot be measured, the brushstrokes can.

In an article published in Physics of Fluids , researchers specializing in and in China and France analyzed van Gogh's painting to uncover what they call the hidden turbulence in the painter's depiction of the sky.

"The scale of the paint strokes played a crucial role," author Yongxiang Huang said. "With a high-resolution digital picture, we were able to measure precisely the typical size of the brushstrokes and compare these to the scales expected from turbulence theories."

To reveal hidden turbulence, the authors used brushstrokes in the painting like leaves swirling in a funnel of wind to examine the shape, energy, and scaling of atmospheric characteristics of the otherwise invisible atmosphere. They used the relative brightness, or luminance, of the varying paint colors as a stand-in for the kinetic energy of physical movement.

"It reveals a deep and intuitive understanding of natural phenomena," Huang said. "Van Gogh's precise representation of turbulence might be from studying the movement of clouds and the atmosphere or an innate sense of how to capture the dynamism of the sky."

Their study examined the spatial scale of the painting's 14 main whirling shapes to find out if they align with the cascading energy theory that describes the kinetic energy transfer from large- to small-scale in the atmosphere.

They discovered the overall picture aligns with Kolmogorov's law, which predicts atmospheric movement and scale according to measured inertial energy. Drilling down to the microcosm within the paint strokes themselves, where relative brightness is diffused throughout the canvas, the researchers discovered an alignment with Batchelor's scaling, which describes laws in small-scale, passive scalar turbulence following atmospheric .

Finding both scalings in one atmospheric system is rare, and it was a big driver for their research.

"Turbulence is believed to be one of the intrinsic properties of high Reynolds flows dominated by inertia, but recently, turbulence-like phenomena have been reported for different types of flow systems at a wide range of spatial scales, with low Reynolds numbers where viscosity is more dominant," Huang said.

"It seems it is time to propose a new definition of to embrace more situations."

More information: Hidden turbulence in van Gogh's 'The Starry Night', Physics of Fluids (2024). DOI: 10.1063/5.0213627

Citation : Beneath the brushstrokes, van Gogh's sky is alive with real-world physics (2024, September 17) retrieved 17 September 2024 from

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