
New technology produces ultrashort ion pulses

6–8 minutes

Sketch of the pulsed ion source, not to scale. A UV laser pulse enters the UEBIS and is focused onto a LaB6 cathode to trigger ultrafast electron emission. Credit: Physical Review Research . (2024)

TU Wien (Vienna) has succeeded in generating laser-synchronized ion pulses with a duration of well under 500 picoseconds, which can be used to observe chemical processes on material surfaces. The work has been published in Physical Review Research .

If you want to photograph something very fast, you need a camera with a very short exposure . The same principle applies everywhere in physics: for example, extremely are used to visualize the processes that take place within atoms.

However, it is not only laser pulses that provide answers to unsolved questions in physics, but also ion pulses: a new method has now been used to generate extremely short, powerful pulses of charged particles, which can then be shot at a in a precisely controlled manner in the future.

This will make it possible to analyze very fast processes that take place on this surface. For example, can then be analyzed while they are still in progress.

Usually, you can only see what remains

"Ion beams have been used for a long time—to analyze materials, but also to clean or modify material surfaces," says Prof. Richard Wilhelm from the Institute of Applied Physics at TU Wien.

"Normally, however, you only ever get to see the end product. You shoot ions at a surface and then look at how the material has been changed as a result. The great difficulty so far has been to generate such short ion pulses that they can be used to follow the temporal course of the impact."

The ion pulses generated in the laboratory at TU Wien last less than 500 picoseconds. A picosecond is one millionth of a millionth of a second—a time span that is almost unimaginably short by human standards. Even light travels just 15 centimeters in 500 picoseconds. This is still millions of times longer than the shortest laser pulses in the world, which run on a time scale of attoseconds. However, this time scale enters the optimum range for analyzing surfaces.

Lasers generate electrons, electrons generate ions

In order to generate such extremely short ion pulses with , a multi-stage process had to be developed: First, a laser pulse is shot at a cathode, which then emits electrons. These electrons are accelerated and hit a stainless steel target.

"Certain atoms always accumulate on the stainless steel surface, for example hydrogen and oxygen," says Wilhelm. "When the electrons hit this layer of attached atoms, some of them are kicked out and fly away."

Some of these atoms that fly away are electrically neutral, others are ionized. Electric fields can be used to precisely select which of them should be used further—they are then directed with pinpoint accuracy as a short ion pulse onto the surface that you actually want to analyze.

"Because this process is started by a laser pulse, we can control very precisely when the ion pulse should be generated and when it should hit a surface," says Wilhelm. "For example, we can then probe the surface with impinging ions at different times while a certain laser-activated chemical reaction is taking place. We obtain different signals that visualize the course of the reaction on a picosecond time scale."

Flexible new technology

Until now, the simplest ions of all—namely protons—have been used for this purpose. However, the same method could also be used to generate other ion pulses, for example from carbon or oxygen ions.

"It simply depends on which atoms we attach to the stainless steel layer that is hit by the electrons, which can be precisely controlled," says Wilhelm. Pulses of electrically neutral atoms or even negatively charged ions can also be generated.

There are already plans to reduce the duration of the ion pulses even further. This would only require specially shaped alternating to slow down the first ions in the pulse a little and accelerate the following ions a little.

"We have developed a promising new and astonishingly efficient technique for investigating ultrashort processes whose temporal dynamics could not previously be investigated," says Wilhelm. The method can be combined with existing ultrafast electron microscopy technology to provide insights into many different aspects of the physics and chemistry of surfaces.

More information: Chirita Mihaila, et al. Generation of ultrashort ion pulses from ultrafast electron-stimulated desorption. Physical Review Research . (2024) … evResearch.6.L032066

Journal information: Physical Review Research