
Ads in Four Swing States Criticize Kamala Harris for Supporting Teenage Gender Transitions

Attack ads airing in the swing states of Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have been criticizing Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris for her past support of taxpayer-funded transition of teenagers.

The 30-second ads from the conservative advocacy group CatholicVote say that 236 underage girls had their breasts removed with taxpayer funds. The ads reportedly used Medicaid data “listing the number of girls under 18 receiving mastectomies and hysterectomies in each state, as well as the number receiving hysterectomies,” per the Washington Times .

“Sound weird? Disgusting? It is. And you’re paying for it,” the narrator says in the ads. “Kamala Harris supports these taxpayer-funded sex-change operations. A vote for Harris: a vote for medical experiments on kids.”

CatholicVote President Brian Burch said that the ad calls attention to the “size, scope and money involved in the trans agenda being pushed on our kids.”

Burch continued, “Talk about weird, physically healthy boys and girls are having their genitals and sexual organs destroyed, and Kamala Harris and her Democratic allies in the Senate not only think that’s acceptable, but are forcing taxpayers to pay for it.”

“Unlike fracking, defunding the police, or securing the border, Kamala has not yet flip-flopped on forcing Americans to pay for medical experiments on children,” Burch added.

According to the ads, 97 underage girls had their breasts removed in Pennsylvania, 86 in Wisconsin, 18 in Nevada, and 35 in Michigan. The ads also highlighted 14 hysterectomies in Pennsylvania, another 12 in Wisconsin, seven in Michigan, and three in Nevada.