
Daily Horoscope for September 17, 2024
7–9 minutes

General Daily Insight for September 17, 2024

Our intuition can guide us to productive places at present. The Moon is moving through dreamy Pisces, spurring us to take meaningful action and have valuable conversations when it opposes messenger Mercury in Virgo before conjoining stoic Saturn. Luna then forms an excitable square to Jupiter in Gemini, before culminating in this year’s only Pisces Full Moon at 10:34 pm EDT. Following the ideal road ahead doesn’t require hard-headed stubbornness! Keeping our hearts and minds open should light our way forward.


March 21 – April 19

A cycle is coming to a close. The powerful Full Moon culminates in your 12th House of Endings, signaling a time of release and letting go. This moment of letting go isn’t about losing something that is necessary or meaningful, but removing something which does not serve you. By ending this phase or habit (or whatever else it may be), you position yourself for a better and lighter future. Honor this chapter as it winds down, and trust that another will soon begin.


April 20 – May 20

Satisfaction can be found by playing your current part. There is a big emphasis on coming together with people who get you as your 11th House of Aspirations hosts a powerful Full Moon, allowing you to align yourself and your values with the right kinds of social groups. This can speed the formation of a budding friend group, but could also result in you joining an organization or club that you’ve been eyeing for some time. It’s always nice to feel like you belong.


May 21 – June 20

The finish line is coming into view. You’ve been making major progress, and the end is in sight as the skies glow with a lovely Full Moon in your 10th House of Achievement! This lunation acts like a tank of rocket fuel, boosting you up in the world. Projects that have been in the works for some time may be ready for a big reveal, or maybe you’ll decide to submit your name for a big promotion. Trust that you can earn a lovely reward!


June 21 – July 22

Get ready to spread your wings! The world is beckoning you to come and explore it during the Full Moon in your 9th House of Adventure, showing you how much excitement and possibility is waiting for you out in the great wide yonder. Potential travel plans or other broadening experiences should get moved off the back burner and into the heat, because this is no time for wallowing or trepidation. It’s time to explore fresh territory, so don’t even think about playing it small.


July 23 – August 22

This isn’t a day for sweeping things under the rug. A powerful matter is bubbling to the surface as your 8th House of Shared Resources is electrified by the potent Full Moon, shining a light onto topics that you’d normally prefer to keep in the shadows. This sector deals with intense ideas as varied as sex, death, and major finances, so be aware that you may deal with some heavy details. Although it won’t be easy, you’ll be glad you did it in the end.


August 23 – September 22

Dynamic duos are the order of the day. There is a Full Moon powering up your 7th House of Associations, highlighting the most important connections in your life. This can apply to all sorts of relationships, be they romantic, professional, or platonic — all that matters is the core of a partnership between you and one other person. Regardless of the nature of such bonds, this Full Moon could prove a powerful turning point for at least one of them. Prepare to double up!


September 23 – October 22

Take stock of yourself, Libra. You’re allowed to feel good in your body, thanks to the Full Moon in your 6th House of Wellness. Whether you decide to simply go for a walk in nature or start prepping for your first marathon, focus your mind’s eye on your health. Nurture yourself with food that tastes good and feels good — of course, don’t forget to get plenty of rest as well. The more you tend to yourself, the further you’ll go in the long run.


October 23 – November 21

Life isn’t meant to be one big headache! Your day ought to be lived and enjoyed. As today’s Full Moon illuminates your fun-loving 5th house, the universe heightens the importance of pursuing your sources of pleasure without guilt. The 5th house is rather selfish territory, so don’t worry too much about answering to authoritative people or following preset programs — especially unreasonable ones. That said, if their requests are fair, try looking for ways to fulfill them while also having fun.


November 22 – December 21

Keep your focus close to home. There is a Full Moon in your foundational 4th house, tugging your attention toward important domestic matters. A family issue may come to a head, demanding that you assert yourself. Perhaps you’ll decide it’s time to make a change to your physical abode and start searching out new places to hang up your hat. If you want to put this energy to more immediate use, host a get-together at yours to fill your space with love and laughter.


December 22 – January 19

You have a voice for a reason, Capricorn — it is vital to use it. The skies are glowing with a Full Moon in your 3rd House of Communications, putting an emphasis on your ideas and how you express them. This is a very beneficial energy if you have a message to share with people, so don’t be too worried about putting yourself out there. This same zone rules your local community, so you could have a great time exploring any new developments or hotspots.


January 20 – February 18

Financial matters are taking top billing. Your attention is being firmly turned toward your money and how you make it thanks to the intense Full Moon in your 2nd House of Wealth. A lucrative opportunity may arrive at any moment! Whatever it looks like, make an effort to analyze the details without squandering your chance to act. You may also decide to make a big purchase at this time, which is fine — just keep reminding yourself to focus on quality over quantity.


February 19 – March 20

This is a very personal day. You’re the center of the cosmos during this important Full Moon, as it lights up your very own 1st House of the Self, magnifying your progress on any and all of your ambitions. Someone else may shine a light on you, giving you a further boost in whichever direction you prefer. Even though the planets are giving you the green light to be selfish, don’t forget to be grateful to the people who lift you up.