
Border Security Commander warns Keir Starmer that his plan to 'smash the gangs' will not be enough...

Jason Groves, David Barrett
4–5 minutes

Border Security Commander warns Keir Starmer that his plan to 'smash the gangs' will not be enough on its own to halt migrants crossing the Channel

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Sir Keir Starmer ’s new borders chief has admitted he cannot stop the boats without a deterrent.

A Whitehall source said Martin Hewitt has told the Prime Minister his plan to ‘smash the gangs’ will not be enough on its own to halt migrants.

The source claimed the new Border Security Commander believed deterrence was ‘always going to be part of the overall picture’ to end the crisis.

That view is in line with the stance taken by the National Crime Agency, which has consistently told ministers the issue cannot be solved without a Rwanda-style ‘removal’ strategy.

But it places Mr Hewitt on an early collision course with Sir Keir, who opposed the previous Conservative government’s policy to deport illegal arrivals to Rwanda .

Sir Keir Starmer's borders chief has warned that his plan to 'smash the gangs' will not be enough to stop the boats on its own

Martin Hewitt, the new Border Security Commander, believes a deterrent is needed to stop the crisis, sources say

Total number of migrants who have crossed the English Channel since the general election

The new PM scrapped that scheme in his first days in power, describing it as a ‘gimmick’, and he has yet to propose an alternative.

Yet the number of migrants crossing the Channel since Sir Keir became PM in July topped 10,000.

Senior Tories said Mr Hewitt’s warning showed that Labour’s plans were doomed to fail.

Shadow home secretary James Cleverly said: ‘The need for a deterrent to stop the people smugglers is obvious. We know it, the NCA knows it, and now we hear Labour’s new border commander knows it.

‘It is becoming increasingly clear that Labour’s cancellation of our plan, with no replacement, won’t cut it. Tough talk but doing less isn’t a plan, it’s smoke and mirrors, and they are being found out.’

Fellow Tory leadership contender Robert Jenrick said: ‘It sounds like Sir Keir’s new borders chief has taken this job only to tell him his plan to stop the boats won’t work. It’s no surprise – the NCA has always been clear we can’t arrest our way out of this challenge and that we need a deterrent to break the business model.

‘That’s why I warned Labour not to scrap the Rwanda deterrent but strengthen it.

‘It’s now clear Sir Keir is utterly clueless and the boats are still coming. Unless Labour introduces a deterrent, we’ll still be in this position come the next election.’

Migrants being escorted to the Port of Dover on Monday. The number of asylum seekers crossing the Channel since Sir Keir became PM in July has topped 10,000

The NCA, in an internal memo last year, said no amount of law enforcement activity can halt the smuggling gangs unless accompanied by measures to deter migrants from trying to reach the UK – and remove those who get here.

The PM, while travelling in Italy this week, said the Government’s actions to break up the gangs, coupled with an emphasis on speeding up the processing of asylum claims would act as its own deterrent.

But critics claim this could even act as a ‘pull factor’ for those considering making the journey.

Mr Hewitt was announced this week as head of the new Border Security Command and will take up the £200,000-a-year role in the coming weeks.

The number of migrants arriving since the general election is 10,024 with 23,598 so far this year – and at least 45 deaths in the Channel.