
This Guy Lost 30 Pounds and Got Ripped Without Being Hungry

Emily Shiffer
5–6 minutes
Geoffroy Donatien, 36, now works in finance but his first job was as a professional player in European Handball. He played for the French Junior National team, but a health condition prevented him from continuing. He’d continued studying while pursuing handball and started his finance career in London the exact same time his former handball companions were becoming Olympic champions (London 2012). Meanwhile, finance was demanding and Geoffroy found himself wanting change. Here, in his own words, is how it happened:

MY CAREER IN finance has always involved hard work and long hours, including client lunches and dinners, as well as time spent in pubs with colleagues. These led me to bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle I did not use to have. On top of that, we dealt with Brexit and my wife and I welcomed our first child.

During COVID, I was sent to Paris for work and started commuting, which left no time to exercise. For the first time in my life, my physical and mental states were not good. I weighed over 220 pounds and sought food for comfort while being so far from my family. It was the perfect mix/bomb of an unhealthy lifestyle and putting quite a lot of weight on.

Eventually, I managed to go back to London. After having our second child, my wife and I decided to get back in shape together. It made a great difference because we could support and motivate each other. Getting back to a healthy lifestyle as a couple made the transformation more fun and easier. We each started a program at Ultimate Performance.

I did 18 sessions with Ultimate Performance, mixing them in with sessions at my own gym. (I scheduled nothing on the weekends, which were reserved for family time.)

I was mostly focusing on upper body (arms, chest, shoulders), and one session for lower body and arms–given I was cycling 10km five times a week. I was also walking a lot – initially 15,000 steps, then 20,000 steps a day (even 25,000 on weekends). Now I walk 10,000-12,500 steps, which is more manageable/sustainable. Walking is underrated and has many benefits for your physical and mental health.

Ultimate Performance

Ultimate Performance

Once I started Ultimate Performance, I reset my body. I cut out alcohol and replaced it with sparkling water and zero-calorie drinks. I started eating healthy food: lots of lean protein and fruits and vegetables with low carbs for the two first weeks.

I Eat More Now Than I Did Before

THEN I ADDED carbs (rice, potatoes), but also more protein (both lean and fatty ones) to build muscle while dropping weight. In maintenance, I have now lowered protein and added more carbs. Overall, I eat much more than before. I never starve. I just eat better. I control my macros to ensure that I am on track. That way I know I cannot drift away from my optimal form.

Given I had trained since my early years and had experience in athletics and weightlifting (as professionals we had access to physical trainers and nutritionists), my UP trainer, Maurizio, brought me even more knowledge on diet, as well as how to position myself in different exercises for more accuracy and to optimize the results.

He also highlighted the importance of averaging out my calories and energy expenditure (like steps) over the week. That meant I could have a night out with friends or enjoy holidays where I exceeded my daily calorie intake. Sometimes, it is just not possible to stick to a full day of healthy diet, but if you average it over the week, you will maintain your fitness.

It Wasn’t Just My Weight and Muscle That Improved

AFTER JUST A few weeks, I could see improvements and I got used to the new routine quite quickly. It helped me recognize that training and healthy food improves your life on every front, and I was glad to push myself to get results I managed to have in no time, getting back to the sport and healthy life I used to have while being a professional.

I lost over 28 pounds, and went from 24.6 percent to 8.6 percent body fat. (I am now fluctuating between 9 and 10 percent.) I also put on more than 10 pounds of muscle while dropping fat and weight. My trainer pushed me and accompanied me more than expected to achieve my goal in no time.

Ultimate Performance

Those who know me the most used to see me as very sporty, so they were glad to see me back to a healthy lifestyle and in great shape again. It also motivated them to start eating well and exercising (especially those with the same sedentary job as me on the trading floor).

My advice to other men looking to start their own transformation: keep training, cycling, and walking. Have a new goal in mind that will keep you motivated and rigorous. For me, that is a black belt in karate. It is never too late to start. Whether you have a sports background like me, or start from scratch, if you are motivated, you can achieve your goals.

Keep going no matter what. There is no shortcut or secret; only consistency. The Romans understood it a long time ago: ‘Orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano' — ‘You should pray for a healthy mind in a healthy body’ (Juvenal).