
How Washington’s Ukraine obsession almost got Trump killed

9–11 minutes

The man widely reported to be behind the shooting at the Florida golf club appears to be obsessed with the establishment’s Ukraine narrative

This kook was obsessed with answering the West’s relentless clarion calls on Ukraine. No one should be surprised at this outcome.

For the second time in as many months, the FBI has confirmed that someone tried to assassinate former (and potentially future) US President Donald Trump – this time while he golfed at his Florida home, Mar-A-Lago, on September 15.

The suspect has been widely identified as Ryan Wesley Routh of Hawaii via North Carolina and (more recently) Kiev, where he was keen to jump aboard the bandwagon rolled out by Washington and Ukraine. Clearly a bit too keen.

In an interview from Ukraine for Newsweek in 2022, Routh said he initially went there to fight. “Everyone around the world should be motivated to come here and support the Ukrainians,” he said, echoing official Washington at the time, and explaining that because he was 56 years old with no military experience, he wasn’t an “ideal candidate” for cannon fodder. So he proceeded to his “Plan B” , which was to mobilize other fighters from around the world on behalf of Ukraine to become cannon fodder.

By the following year, the US-based media outlet , Semafor, was describing Routh as the “head of the International Volunteer Center in Ukraine, a private organization which helps foreigners seeking to assist the war effort connect with military units and aid groups.”

Routh told the outlet that he “had partners meeting with [Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense] every week and still have not been able to get them to agree to issue one single visa” for US-trained Afghan fighters that he said he was trying to mobilize for Kiev, also citing by name a “former elite Afghan reconnaissance unit member” who said that hundreds of Afghans like him wanted in.

The publication noted Ukrainian concerns that Afghans could end up being Russian infiltrators. No mention, however, of the problematic nature of Routh’s enthusiasm. But why would there be? His own country was shoveling billions out the door and sending weapons along with the entire Western world to Kiev as it called for foreigners everywhere to join the fight. This guy took that literally, just as many others did.

Any kind of dissent or interjection of mitigating factors or analysis to soften the blatant brainwashing from official sources has either been censored outright or dismissed and discredited as disinformation or undue influence.

Just last week, in issuing new sanctions against one platform for alternative analysis and information on Ukraine, RT, the coordinator of the US State Department’s Global Engagement Center, James Rubin, underscored that, “one of the reasons why so much of the world has not been as fully supportive of Ukraine as you would think they would be, given that Russia has invaded Ukraine and violated rule number one of the international system, is because of the broad scope and reach of RT.”

So, is this fella, Routh, supportive enough for you guys in Washington? Doesn’t seem like his enthusiasm has been diluted by any RT viewing. Maybe all this could have been prevented if it had been, though.

In March 2023, the New York Times wrote that “people who would not be allowed anywhere near the battlefield in a US-led war are active on the Ukrainian front, with ready access to American weapons.” The report included “former construction worker” (turned Rambo wannabe) Routh, interviewed by the Times in Washington, DC, who planned to move future Afghan recruits for Kiev’s front lines “in some cases illegally, from Pakistan and Iran to Ukraine.” Totally cool, totally normal.

Routh raked in $1,865 from an online crowdfunding effort set up by an alleged fiancée back in 2022, claiming that he had “arranged for delivery of 120 drones to the front lines” and “donated his tactical gear to soldiers fighting on the front lines.” The raised cash was earmarked for more supplies, including tactical gear, according to the plea, complete with pictures of him posing alongside Ukrainian fighters.

Did it ever occur to Washington officials that some of that gear, skills, or unbridled passion, in the hands of a guy who apparently told his fiancée that he was in Kiev “building drones” , could potentially end up being used someday in the attempted assassination of a former American president?

Washington should have known better. Ukraine’s Third Assault Brigade, hailed as heroes in Ukraine and in PR campaigns across the Western world on a summer European tour and prior visits to the UK parliament and elite US college campuses like Stanford, had the French press, Mediapart, pointing out all the Nazi tattoos and social media Hitler glorification that came to light when they trained in France at camp La Courtine. The rebranded Azov Brigade clearly hasn’t strayed far from the roots that had Canadian military brass concerned that they were training guys with Nazi markings at least as far back as 2018, according to the Ottawa Citizen .

There is no way of ascertaining the degree to which Routh may have been influenced by the kind of extremism associated with such groups, but does it really even matter anymore when they’re all literally on the same rhetorical page as actual Western governments, including Washington? Seriously, show me one instance where Washington has attempted to soften, mitigate, criticize, or even fact-check any action or message by these groups rather than outright champion them. I’ll wait.

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson literally stood there with them in London, holding their flag with Nazi symbolism baked right in, basking in the support of other British lawmakers. In June 2024, Washington lifted the ban on providing the Azov Brigade with weapons directly, claiming that any neo-Nazism fears were unfounded. Seems like they’re trying desperately to make a distinction between neo-Nazis who act on their extremism and those who just like to keep the symbolism around as some kind of harmless nod to history. And anyone pointing out how problematic that might be is just rolling for Putin and Russia.

With the volume being turned up on Western propaganda, Washington has also been pursuing its crackdown on contradictory debate coming from the few sources that platform it (like RT). Is it any wonder that this Routh guy, with a potentially tenuous grasp of reality to begin with, and whose son has spoken out about how single-mindedly obsessed he is with Ukraine, would have allegedly tried to assassinate the US presidential candidate who has been vocal about the need to stop fueling the Ukraine conflict with US weapons and cash and work out a deal with Russia for peace?

It wouldn’t be the first time that a Western leader publicly portrayed as less than enthusiastic about the establishment’s position on the Ukraine conflict has been violently targeted. Prime Minister Robert Fico, the populist left-wing leader of Slovakia who survived being shot in the stomach earlier this year, has himself echoed what his country’s authorities said about the shooter’s motives being related to Fico’s dissenting views on Ukraine, which have included calls for more peace talks with Russia, and an end to both Ukraine military support and sanctions on Moscow.

The Western establishment has gone out of its way to eliminate critical thought by censoring and criminalizing platforms that have attempted to inject some balance or reason into the debate – as though they really don’t want there to be any discussion at all when it comes to their official positions, as Rubin’s remarks last week about RT confirm.

This intolerance of debate is becoming dangerously normalized. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg recently confirmed the pressure on his own platforms to censor Covid-related narratives that diverged from official government propaganda. Likewise, Canada deployed military-grade propaganda techniques honed on the battlefields of Afghanistan to brainwash its own citizens into Covid narrative compliance. The official radicalism around that issue was as evident as it is on Ukraine. About the only real shocker is that it took so long for a victim of Western brainwashing to actually react to the firehose of propaganda in a way that blows back on American democracy in just about the most horrific way possible.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.