
Insights and Takeaways from the Phoenix Capital Group Webinar

David Thompson
4–5 minutes
(Photo : Eden Moon from Pixabay)

I recently came across a Facebook ad for the Phoenix Capital Group webinar , and being an investor intrigued by energy sector opportunities, I decided to join in. The webinar, led by Matt Willer, Managing Director of Capital Markets at Phoenix Capital Group, turned out to be an eye-opening experience. It gave me a thorough understanding of the company's investment strategies in the domestic energy sector. Here's my take as an investor who values transparency, fixed returns, and long-term growth.


Comprehensive Business Model Explanation

A highlight was the deep dive into Phoenix Capital Group's business model. The host did a great job breaking down their focus on cash-flowing investments, which are designed to provide consistent returns. He discussed three main investment areas: royalty assets, non-operated working interests, and actively operated wells. He gave direct examples of putting money to work, including a $48.7 million investment that has already generated cash flow. This investment alone is projected to yield nearly $200 million over time, so I now better understand the company's potential to produce long-term gains.

Transparency and Risk Management

The host placed a strong emphasis on transparency and the company's approach to risk management. Investors should still perform their own research, but it is helpful that Phoenix Capital Group presented their risk management strategies clearly. Here are a few of the key strategies highlighted:

  1. Proprietary software – the company invested in software to identify, analyze, and value potential investment opportunities.
  2. Hedging strategies – the company has locked in a portion of their reserves at $70 per barrel to manage any unforeseen market volatility better.
  3. Efficient operations the company has a relatively small staff of 112 people and seems to pride themselves in solving problems strategically with technology.

Solid Track Record

As of 2024, Phoenix Capital Group has raised capital from thousands of investors, and their partnerships with familiar names like Exxon and Chevron further undermine their credibility. Phoenix Capital Group is diversified across nine states and has $2 billion in assets under management as of the date of the presentation on August 25, 2024. Willer's 28+ years of experience in investment banking showed during the presentation, as he made all of these easy to understand.

Areas for Improvement

Complex Information

While the webinar was insightful, I did feel that some parts were a bit complex for someone not fully versed in the energy sector. Luckily, they sent a replay of the event so I could rewatch it to digest better the information on how oil and gas works. Topics such as well economics and financial metrics are a lot to consume on a small screen (iPhone 12) in less than an hour. Simplified explanations or visual aids could have made the material easier to follow, especially for those newer to these types of investments.

Audience Engagement

One area where the webinar could improve is in its engagement. Willer was thorough and knowledgeable, but the presentation felt a bit one-sided until the Q&A session at the end. As an audience member, I could not see questions from other attendees until the end of the presentation. It might have been more dynamic to incorporate audience interaction throughout the webinar with real-time questions to keep the energy flowing.


As an investor looking for passive income opportunities, I found the Phoenix Capital Group webinar to be a valuable resource. The company's disciplined approach to risk management, combined with its track record, makes Phoenix Capital Group a solid option as I continue to research the energy sector. Having a passive income component in my portfolio will be beneficial in the coming years as I plan for retirement. Attending is definitely worth the time, but make sure to perform your own research on the company!

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